Sunday, November 28, 2010

e little ones's first.

Brought the little ones for prawning + bowling today!

Result: They almost fell asleep and died of boredom during prawning.

Bowling became their favourite activity we presume they will ask for more from now onwards from our observation.

No idea why I keep having long weird stares today. Was it my pigtails? haha... Did it to bring myself closer to the kids, look like one of them act cute not a sin right?

December is coming swiftly like the wind. Its a month full of things to look forward to.

24th- Xmas celebration with Bb & his friends
25th- Xmas dating for 2 of us
26th- Our 8th monthsary
31st- Countdown to a new year

Like Bb said, hopefully we can have 1 more thing to celebrate. Celebrating me getting a job. sigh.

Lately, every week has been a week to look forward to, this sweet fella has planned activities to do together. ^_^

Next week is the meeting up with his friends to draw lots to decide who we are supposed to buy xmas gift for. Praying hard I get 1 of the girls. Its so much easier to buy gifts for girls. Thinking hard what gift I want for myself this Xmas.

Im a hard to please fella.

Iphone- Bb already got me an Ipod Touch. It'd be a waste as both have similar functions.
Camera- Although mine was damaged, I have my sis's and Bb's to use. So pointless.
Laptop- I use Bb's most of e time. When Im at his place.
Hair curler- I have 2 sets. But they sux, the curls don't last. Lusting after Jose Eber hair curler(The big sexy curls is gorgeous. Wonder if they use the 19mm or 25mm), walked past the pushcarts at Vivocity, saw the demonstration they did, they look fabulous la!
Jewellery-I don't really wear, have sensitive skin allergic to fake silver. My earrings only last awhile, got to dump them once the silver starts to rust. Trying to learn to wear nice simple silver necklace just worried it doesnt match with my clothes. yea troublesome me. But I love classy elegant diamante earrings. Im in love with the Chanel signature earrings.
Perfumes- Please please stop giving me. I already have 5 for my birthday. haha...

So, I deduce the best gift is money. Bf said that everyone in Singapore give me $1 can already. Yes please thank you.

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