Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Working hard does not help. Tested and proven. Even if working for 24/7, forgoing my lunches, massive weight loss til everyone around me can tell I've been slogging at work, tolerating all the harsh training mentoring method from Boss (I really think its a training, not scolding because it made me a stronger person). All these, does not help me at all.

You need Lady Luck, which apparently I failed to have.

A heart to heart talk with my elder brother yesterday inspired me and pushed me further, gave me a little strength to be stronger and try harder.

He said:
"So what if others started running before you in a race?So what if all your friends your age are doing very well in their career now and you are stuck here with nothing?You can always catch up with them and be at the end of the race faster than them. Its not about who started running first, but whether you reach the finishing line."

Indeed, this was the best inspiration I had so far. This metaphor describes best the circumstance Im in. I am seriously disappointed with myself for being stuck at the starting point of the race for so long, when everyone else around me is halfway through the race. Yes Im dejected and jaded, but I will always remind myself about what brother told me.

I may not even catch up with them, but I will try hard to complete this race in the shortest time possible.

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